Need for Speed Carbon Cheats
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Cheats for Need For Speed Carbon PC Full
Type these codes when on "PRESS ANY KEY" or "CLICK TO CONTINUE" screen
inthezoneskin - unlocks Autozone Vinyl
syntecskin - unlocks Castrol Syntec Vinyl
5grand5grand - unlocks Castrol Cash
shinycarsarethebestcars - unlocks Chrome Cars
cooperlogofreeforyou - unlocks Cooper Tire Logo
chasingmobile - unlocks Corvette Z06 Interceptor for the quick race
guesswhoisback - unlocks Cross Corvette Z06 for the quick race
trashtalking - unlocks Rhino for the quick race
bigredfiredrive - unlocks Fire Truck for the quick race
friendlyheadlocksapplied - gives you infinite speedbreaker
nosforeverever - gives you infinite nitrous
slowitdownwhenyouwant - gives you better brakes
speed3foryou - unlocks Mazda Speed3 for the quick race
lotsoffreelogos - unlocks Need for Speed Carbon Logo Vinyls
lotsoffreevinyls - unlocks Need for Speed Carbon Special Logo
watchoutthebigtruckishere - unlocks Dump Truck for the quick race
pharrellvinylgogo - unlocks Pharrell Vinyl
chasingheadlocksappliedrashtalk - unlocks Mazda Dealership
canyonalltheway - unlocks all tracks
Type these codes when on "PRESS ANY KEY" or "CLICK TO CONTINUE" screen
inthezoneskin - unlocks Autozone Vinyl
syntecskin - unlocks Castrol Syntec Vinyl
5grand5grand - unlocks Castrol Cash
shinycarsarethebestcars - unlocks Chrome Cars
cooperlogofreeforyou - unlocks Cooper Tire Logo
chasingmobile - unlocks Corvette Z06 Interceptor for the quick race
guesswhoisback - unlocks Cross Corvette Z06 for the quick race
trashtalking - unlocks Rhino for the quick race
bigredfiredrive - unlocks Fire Truck for the quick race
friendlyheadlocksapplied - gives you infinite speedbreaker
nosforeverever - gives you infinite nitrous
slowitdownwhenyouwant - gives you better brakes
speed3foryou - unlocks Mazda Speed3 for the quick race
lotsoffreelogos - unlocks Need for Speed Carbon Logo Vinyls
lotsoffreevinyls - unlocks Need for Speed Carbon Special Logo
watchoutthebigtruckishere - unlocks Dump Truck for the quick race
pharrellvinylgogo - unlocks Pharrell Vinyl
chasingheadlocksappliedrashtalk - unlocks Mazda Dealership
canyonalltheway - unlocks all tracks