Max Payne Cheats

Cheat                 Result
GetAllWeapons        Gets all weapons
GetInfiniteAmmo      Receive infinte ammo
God                  God mode
Mortal               Mortal
ShowFPS              Shows frames per second
Coder                Give you God Mode, Unlimited Ammo, and All Guns 
NoClip               No Clipping
NoClip_off           Clipping
GetBaseballbat       Receive the baseball bat
GetBeretta           Receive the Beretta
Getberettadual       Receive dual Berettas
GetSawedShotgun      Receive the Sawed-off shotgun
GetPumpShotgun       Receive the pump shotgun
GetJackhammer        Receive the Jackhammer
GetIngram            Receive the Ingram
GetIngramDual        Receive dual Ingrams
GetMP5               Receive the MP5
GetColtCommando      Receive the Colt Commando
GetMolotov           Receive the Molotov cocktail        
GetGrenade           Receive grenade
GetM79               Receive the M79
GetSniper            Receive the Sniper
GetHealth            Receive health
GetPainkillers       Receive painkillers
GetbulletTime        Receive more bullettime
c_addhealth(100)     Receive full health