mass effect 1 cheats
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Raw baby
mass effect
- adjustcredits +/- X - Add or subtract credits where X equals amount
- fly - Gain the ability to fly
- giveall - Acquire all of the game’s gear, save armor
- giveallarmor - Acquire all of the game’s armor
- giveallarmor X - Acquire all armor where X equals the maker
- giveallarmorhuman X - Acquire all human armor where X equals the maker
- giveallarmorkrogan X - Acquire all Krogan armor where X equals the maker
- giveallarmorquarian X - Acquire all Quarian armor where X equals the maker
- giveallarmorturian X - Acquire all Turian armor where X equals the maker
- giveallbioamps - Acquire all of the game’s bio amps
- giveallgrenades X - Acquire all grenades where X equals the maker
- giveallomnitools - Acquire all of the game’s omni tools
- giveallweapons X - Acquire all weapons where X equals the maker
- giveallxmods - Acquire all weapons and armor modifications
- givetalentpoints X - Receive talent points where X equals the amount
- givesuperarmor - Acquire the Super Armor
- givesupergun - Acquire the Super Gun
- givexp X - Receive experience points where X equals the amount
- ghost - Allows you to walk through hard objects like walls
- initcredits X - Set credits to amount as represented by X
- initsalvage X - Acquire Medigel where X equals the amount
- setparagon X - Receive Paragon points where X equals the amount
- setrenegade X - Receive Renegade points where X equals the amount
- teleport - Move around rapidly
- walk - Use this command to disengage fly