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alpha 2 cheats

EffectCode Pick your character by pressing two puch or two kick buttons simultaneously to get alternate colors.Extra Colors EffectCode Select the two player mode. Then hold Start at the character selection screen, then highlight Sagat for five seconds. Then highlight any character, release Start, and press any button.Fight...

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alpha cheats

EffectCode Aluminum BatSelect Cracker Jack, then hold Up + Square + Circle + R1 + R2 until the match starts Bonus Barrel GameHighlight practice at the mode selection menu, then press Start, Up, Up, Right, Up, Right, Up, Start. Then go into practice mode. Hidden CharactersHighlight practice at...

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silent hill 2 cheats

UNLOCKABLEHOW TO UNLOCK  Bonus Riddle ModeBeat the game using all three Riddle Difficulty settings to unlock a fourth difficulty.               New OptionsOnce you beat the game you will find new options in the Options menu including Bullet Adjust (gives you x2 or x3 bullets when finding ammo- say for...

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silent hill cheats

UnlockableHow to Unlock AmbassadorGet the UFO ending BrawlerKill 50%+ of all enemies with only your fists ButcherGet the Bad ending CartographerLooked at map less then 25 times CodebreakerDo the Konami Code during your second playthough or up CollectorCollect more then 300 items DaredevilFinish the game without saving ExplorerDistanced...

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